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刊名:National Geographic.

译名简介:国家地理杂志》 美国国家地理学会编辑,是美国发行量最大的地理杂志。以严谨引人的文字和丰富生动的彩照,介绍世界地理、民俗和奇异风光。杂志带你进入真实的珍稀野生动物世界,穿越历史会见成吉思汗和梵高这样非凡的人,环球旅行发掘古代文明,见证自然的力量,参观世界最美的地方.(文种:英文)

英文简介:Publishes articles on human society and culture around the world, exotic and endangered animals, modern explorations and adventures.Explore the world's wonders in National Geographic, known around the globe for its compelling articles, and dramatic photography that portray the beauty, mystery and harsh realities of life on earth. Treat yourself to a year of remarkable discoveries, fantastic adventure and unforgettable travel. Venture into the untamed wild for very real and rare looks at the amazing animal kingdom. Walk back through history to meet extraordinary individuals such as Genghis Khan and Vincent Van Gogh. And travel the globe to investigate the origins of ancient civilizations, to witness the drama of natural forces at work, and visit some of the world's most beautiful places.